2024: Discussing documents of the "Arian" controversy

Towards the 1.700 years of the Council of Nicaea


2024 – Letters

Session 1 & 2: Friday 22 March 2024, 15:00-18:00 (CET)

1. Letters: Theological and Historical Framework
Alfons Fürst (Universität Münster): Research on Christian Letter Writing in the past 100 years
Johan Leemans (KU Leuven):
Letters, Synods, and Theology in the 4th c.

2. Letters: The Eve of Nicaea
Madalina Toca (Universität Wien) Practicalities: How Did Letters Work in the Context of Nicaea?
Matthias Simperl (Universität Augsburg) Who Reacts to Whom? The Letter of the Synod of Antioch 324/5 and Constantine’s Intervention in the Arian Controversy

Session 3 & 4: Friday 25 October 2024

3. Letter Collections and NetworkingDorothea Schenk (Universität Göttingen) Lewis Ayres (Durham University)
4. Letters: The Aftermath of NicaeaDavid Gwyn (University of London) Tessa Canella (La Sapienza, Rome)