2023: Discussing documents of the "Arian" controversy

Towards the 1.700 years of the Council of Nicaea


2023 - Canons

Session 1 & 2: Friday 31 March 2023, 15:00-18:00 (Central Europe Time)

1. The canons of Nicaea and their transmission Alberto Camplani (La Sapienza)
Respondent, Ephrem Aboud Ishac (Yale University)

2. The canons of Ancyra (314)
Sara Parvis (University of Edinburgh)
Respondent, Geoffrey Dunn (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)

Session 3 & 4: Friday 3 November 2023, 15:00-18:00 (Central Europe Time)

3. Disputed Questions on the Canons of Nicaea
David Hunter (Boston College)
Respondent, Caroline Humfress (University of St Andrews)

4. Groups and identities in the canons of Nicaea
Mante Lenkaityte Ostermann (University of Fribourg)
Respondent, Costanza Bianchi (Fondazione per le scienze religiose di Bologna)