Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uta Heil
Office hour
Wednesday 3 to p.m. or by appointment
Head of the Institute
© Barbara Mair
Course of Studies
- 1985–1987 Studies in Protestant Theology, Theological Seminary Bethel (Bielefeld)
- 1987 Stay in Israel (Kibbuz Gat)
- June–August 1987 Excavation at Tell Lachisch (D. Ussishkin; G. Barkay, Tel Aviv-University)
- 1988–1993 Studies in Protestant Theology, University of Bonn
- 1990–1993 Student Assistant to Prof. Dr. Erich Gräßer (New Testament) and the Journal for New Testament Studies and the Ancient Church
- January 1993 “Erstes Theologisches Examen“ (Ev.-luth. Landeskirche Hannovers)
Doctoral Studies
- 1995–1997 Doctoral Studies, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanns Christof Brennecke
- 1997–1999 University Assistant to Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christoph Brennecke, Institute for Ancient Church History at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 1998 Dr. theol. (German Ph.D), Faculty of Protestant theology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (summa cum laude); Dissertation thesis: Athanasius von Alexandrien, De sententia Dionysii. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Academic Activites and Achievements
- 1997–2001 Book Review Editor of the Journal of Ancient Christianity (ZAC)
- 1998-2001 Women’s representative of the Faculty of Protestant Theology
- 1999–2004 Research Assistant: Church History I (Ancient Church History), Department of Theology at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Since 1999 Co-author and editor of the Edition of the Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria
- 2000–2004 DFG-Project Editio critica maior der Athanasius-Werke. Band II (Apologien), in cooperation with Prof. Dr. H.C. Brennecke and Dr. A. v.Stockhausen, on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (published 2006)
- 2004–2012 DFG-Projekts Editio critica maior der Athanasius-Werke. Band III (Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streits), in cooperation with Prof. Dr. H.C. Brennecke, Dr. A. v.Stockhausen and A. Wintjes, on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (first fascicle published 2007).
- 2004–2009 Research Assistant: Church History I (Ancient Church History), Department of Theology at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- SS 2006, 2008, 2009 Guest lecturer at the University Graz, Catholic Theological Faculty
- 2006–2008 Teacher for Religious Education (”Gymnasium”), Graz
- 2008 / 2009 Post-doctorate thesis: Avitus von Vienne und die homöische Kirche der Burgunder
- 8. 7. 2009 Habilitation (Venia legendi)
- WS 2009 / SS 2010 Visiting Professor: Church History I (Ancient Church History; Prof. Brennecke), Department of Theology at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- WS 2010 / WS 2011 Associate Professor and Research Assistant for Church History I (Ancient Church History), Department of Theology at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- SS 2011 Visiting Professor of Christian History, Theological Faculty at the Friedrich Schiller-University of Jena
- WS 2012/13 Visiting Professor at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
- WS 2013 / SS 2014 Visiting professor, Protestant Theological Faculty, University of Vienna
- April 2013-February 2015 Heisenberg Grant, awared by (the) DFG at Universität Erlangen
- 2014 Offer of a W3 professorship of Church History I (Ancient Church History), University of Munich
- 2014 Offer of a professorship for Church History, University of Vienna
- Since 1 March 2015 Univ.-Prof. at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna
Journal of Ancient Christianity
Co-editor and administrator of reviews
Requests concerning / inquiries regarding book reviews: uta.heil@univie.ac.at
Areas of Competence and Research Projects
- Expositiones in Psalmos
Research project funded by the FWF (2020-2024)
- The Apocryphal Sunday in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Research project funded by the FWF (2019-22)
- Christianity in the Migration Period
The Formation of Western Christianity during Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (project, funded by Volkswagenstiftung, 2016–2017)
The Christian impact on the culture of Western Europe cannot be fully described by traditional categories like “institutions” (papacy, monastery) and “piety” (“Frömmigkeit”). On the contrary, it is also necessary to ask what the underlying content of "western Christianity" really is. Toward that goal, the conference “Formation of European Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages” focused on the configuration of theological content and the establishment of authorities in order to be able to better describe the theological profile of Western Latin Christianity during the 5th – 7th century.
→ conference timetable
Fulgentius of Ruspe as a contemporary witness of theological and ecclesiological-political controversies in the context of the Vandal kingdom; research associate: Christoph Scheerer (funded by Volkswagenstiftung, 2016-2017)
Documents on the History of the Arian Controversy
Preparation of the edition, including a translation and commentary (as part of the Athanasius Werke): Dokumente zum arianischen Streit: Von der Synode von Konstantinopel 381 bis zum Symbolum Quicumque (Athanasius Werke III, Zweiter Teil, Faszikel 7"); Research project with Prof. Dr. Emer. Hanns Christof Brenencke, Erlangen, funded by the Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung, since October 2017 at the University of Vienna
(→ see: www.athanasius.theologie.uni-erlangen.de/)
- Didascaly of Jesus Christ
A new edition of Francois Nau’s edition (Revue de l’Orient Chrétien 12, 1907, 225-254) as part of the new edition of the Antique Christian Apocrypha (ed. C. Markschies / J. Schröter) (→ see: http://www.antikes-christentum.de/de/forschung/apokryphen/); research associate: Jannis Grossmann
- Athenagoras, Legatio pro Christianis
Translation and commentary for Kommentare zu frühchristlichen Apologeten series (→ see: http://www.herder.de/theologie/programm/kommentar_apologeten/index_html?par_onl_struktur=704728&onl_struktur=704747)
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