Dan Batovici, PhD

Office hour

by appointment

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A-1010 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-4277-32607



Dan Batovici is the recipient of the FWF (the Austrian Science Fund) START Award 2024; scroll down here for the press release and interview

In 2025 Dan will be Stanley J. Seeger Summer Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Princeton. He was recently a British Academy Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge in the Faculty of Divinity (Aug 2023 – Jan 2024), having been for the first six months of 2022 Visiting Scholar at Wolfson College, Oxford, for which he was awarded a long-stay abroad grant from the FWO Research Foundation – Flanders.

Before arriving in Vienna, Dan Batovici was a senior researcher and instructor in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at KU Leuven, where he also earned his Ph.D. in 2015 with a thesis on early Christian Greek papyri. Before that, he studied Classical Philology in Bucharest (B.A.), and Theology and Religious Studies in Cambridge (M.Phil., taught) and St Andrews (M.Phil., research).

Dan is  co-host of the Text and Transmission Research Seminar, which hosts online papers from current research projects on various manuscript cultures and historical contexts (check out the Youtube channel), and co-editor of Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, an on-line platform for book reviews in these fields.



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Edited volumes

D. Batovici and Lara Sels (eds.), Ignatius of Antioch in Translation: New Findings in Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, and Slavonic | Le Muséon 136.1-2 (2023).

Dan Batovici and Jos Verheyden (eds.), Versions of the Early Christian Past: Ancient Translations of the Apostolic Fathers | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98.3 (2022).

Madalina Toca and Dan Batovici (eds.), Caught in Translation: Studies on Versions of Late Antique Christian Literature | Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 17 (Brill 2020).


Journal articles

Dan Batovici and Madalina Toca, “The Syriac Ignatian Canons: A Critical Edition,” Le Muséon 136.1-2 (2023) 1-37.

D. Batovici, “The Displaced Endings of the Gospel of Mark in Armenian Biblical Manuscripts,” COMSt Bulletin 8.2 (2022) 603-623.

D. Batovici, “Apostolic by Proxy: Corpora, editiones minores, and Network of Texts,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98.3 (2022) 503-524.


Book chapters

D. Batovici, “The "Apostolic Fathers" in Coptic: Problems and Overview,” in I. Miroshnikov (ed.), Parabiblica Coptica (Parabiblica 3; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023), 103-126.

D. Batovici, “The Reception of the Gospel of Peter in Late Antiquity,” in H.J. de Jonge, C. Tuckett, J.S. Kloppenborg, M. Grundeken (eds.), The Gospels and Their Receptions: Festschrift Joseph Verheyden (BETL 330; Leuven: Peeters, 2022), 437-452.

D. Batovici, “Authority, Fragmentation, Dilution: Experiencing an Apocalyptic Text in Late Antiquity,” in A. Kim Harkins and H.O. Maier (eds.), Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (Ekstasis 10; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022), 215-33.